Suzette's Steals Mini Leather Backpack - Dark Coffee

2.00 lb




Was: $199.00
Now: $159.20
(1 review) Write a Review
41 Year Warranty


Dimensions (W x H x D) 


5 Stars Write a Review
  • 5
    Mini Backpack

    I purchased the mini backpack because I was weary of buying a backpack PURSE which did not hold up. Even though this item is not billed as a purse , it can definitely double as one. I have used backpack purses for 20+ years but always had trouble finding a quality one , even when I paid alot more than I would prefer. I can highly recommend this item + the wonderful aroma of the leather is comforting ...Glad my traveling photojournalist son put me onto to you guys. His traveling bag has been in the refuge camps of Bangladesh and Uganda and few other places of like kind. The ironic thing is I am a native Fort Worthian (born/raised ) but did not learn of the company until a few years ago after I relocated..I ALSO I am 100% behind the social outreach of this business + website is my kind of humor...