Our hope is that you’ll be proud of your bag because of the compliments you get and how long it lasts. But our deeper hope is that you join our community of those nurturing the vulnerable and loving the unloved. We do more than just quality leather bags; we do quality in all areas of our business.
Our purpose is not to change the world by loving orphans, single moms and ex-prisoners one at a time. It’s to work with a Love 41 community/family of loving and nurturing people to do it. If you want to but you’re not sure how, then join us on Facebook or sign up for our newsletter to learn more. We’ll help you get plugged in.
Dave's Deals are items that have arrived from the factory that are fully functional, but with cosmetics defects. Some people call them factory seconds. They are still good items that come with our warranty, we're just knocking down the price because they don't pass Dave's inspection standards. Some Dave's Deals may be stamped with the letter S.
This full grain leather briefcase is over-engineered to last a lifetime (or a few lifetimes). There are no breakable parts like zippers, magnets, snaps, or buttons. Every stress point is reinforced with rivets and hidden polyester strapping. And it's built with the largest pieces of leather possible. It's lined with pigskin and has a false bottom to hide your passport, spare cash, or other secret things. The two front pockets have pockets behind them too. This leather briefcase fits a 17" laptop and can be worn in backmade mode.
Most of our leather briefcases convert into backpacks, including this one. Run the adjustable shoulder strap through the o-ring on the back of the briefcase, and clip it to the d-rings on the bottom. Now your hands are free to carry more luggage through the airport. This leather briefcase has a false bottom to hide your passport, spare cash, and other secret things. The d-rings are great for strapping on blankets, jackets, and wet sandals. And even the main strap has a hole at the very tip, just in case you overstuff your bag or want to put an umbrella under the flap. The two front pockets actually have pockets behind them too.
Holds All 17" Laptops
Converts to Backpack Mode
Shoulder strap adjusts from 34" - 59" L
Keystrap: 11"L
17" x 12" x 8"
Front Pockets: 6.75"W x 8"H
Shoulder Strap: 34" - 59" L
Weight: 7 lbs