Our hope is that you’ll be proud of your bag because of the compliments you get and how long it lasts. But our deeper hope is that you join our community of those nurturing the vulnerable and loving the unloved. We do more than just quality leather bags; we do quality in all areas of our business.
Our purpose is not to change the world by loving orphans, single moms and ex-prisoners one at a time. It’s to work with a Love 41 community/family of loving and nurturing people to do it. If you want to but you’re not sure how, then join us on Facebook or sign up for our newsletter to learn more. We’ll help you get plugged in.
This is our previous design without the luggage strap
The Love 41 Wanderer's Leather Backpack is made from full-grain (i.e. super tough!) leather. This bag is both beautiful and durable because it has been crafted to the highest quality standards in Old Mexico.
Unlike our hair, cows are waterproof, right? That's because the top part of their hide has tightly woven fibers. Our leather is produced keeping all of the natural grain intact (the reason it is called full-grain leather). No scars are shaven or sanded off because that process leaves only a small portion of the grain intact (which is known as top-grain leather). Because full-grain leather is the strongest cow leather on the planet (and the most beautiful in our opinion) that is why we choose to use it. The backpack is stitched together with the strongest thread on the planet, German polyester thread, and finished off with antique brass hardware.
This backpack is not only beautiful, but extremely functional. It is large enough to be used for a cross-country trip, but works equally as well for a day in the city and fits most 15 inch laptops. The front closure comes with both a zipper and a flap for an extra measure of security. To provide additional functionality, this backpack has one zippered side pocket on each side as well as one zippered interior pocket.
Product Details
41-Year Warranty
Dimensions (W x H x D)
14.50" x 15.50" x 4.50"
Interior Pocket: 8" x 5.50"
Exterior Pockets: 4" x 6" x 1.50"
Weight: 3 lbss
Changing Lives Together with Leather
Did you know that with every purchase, you are making a difference around the world by loving others in need through education, food, shelter & job training?Love 41 gives 100% of it's profit away!
The story behind this leather bag
This leather backpack was designed to age nicely so you'll get you loads of compliments and look good while getting them. It was built to be handed down to and used by your granddaughter. The quality comes with the full grain leather and the thread we use to sew it together. Full grain is the strongest and most water resistant leather there is and the thread is the toughest there is. Unlike Nylon our Polyester thread does not deteriorate when the sun hits this leather backpack.
I've always wanted to design a traditional style leather backpack that could be worn for either a day in the city or an outing in the country and I love the way this one turned out. and I've taken mine on several outings and international trips and it was simply amazing! I especially love the drop-dead gorgeous leather with its fabulous all-natural finish. The size is just right and the closure has both a zipper and a flap to provide an extra measure of security - a real plus when you're traveling. The Love 41 Wanderers Leather Backpack is the first of its kind for us and I think you'll agree that it's a great addition to our lineup.
1 Review
Love 41