Dave's Deals Urban Leather Tote - Tobacco

4.00 lb




Was: $279.00
Now: $223.20
(1 review) Write a Review
100 Year Warranty


Dimensions (W x H x D) 


5 Stars Write a Review
  • 5
    Urban Tote

    Ok as crazy as this sounds, as a dude I bought this just to throw in some gym closes and keep in the car. a month later and its my daily carry. Replace by saddleback backpack. Didnt plan on it, it just happened. Yes I look gay carrying it, but am old and I couldn't care less. I now know why my wife and all women carry these things. I mean, it carries everything and my stuff is easy to get to. I take this thing everywhere. Dave needs to make on for men with a little longer straps and a little more storage. Instead of a tote he can call it a mote. Anyway, cheapest yet most used SBL item I own.