This leather wallet was designed to fit into the front pocket and you forget it is there. You can stack 5 or 6 cards in each slot as the leather stretches. And in between the cowskin and lining of the wallet, we put a Radio Frequency ID (RFID) blocking material to keep bad people from scanning your wallet and stealing your identification off of your credit cards. It happens all day long. Google it.
Lining - Instead of using a thin shiny and pretty nylon fabric for wallet lining, we line this leather wallet with pigskin, which is tougher than the cow leather. It's how we can offer a 100-year Warranty.
Thread - And then we sewed it with the incredible marine-grade polyester continuous filament thread. It's as strong and resistant of a thread as there is. It's what ship sails and parachutes or things are sewn with for if your life depends on it. We're really proud of our German thread.
Leather - The reason bank tellers and cashiers will compliment you on your leather wallet is because it is built with full grain, which ages way more nicely because it still has all of the pores on it. Lesser leathers had the pores removed so oils and dirt can't set in.
And full grain leather is important. Let me explain. A hide of leather is like a roof. A roof is thick, but it's the thinner top layer shingles that keep the water and dirt out from the inside. The tough "shingles" of leather is the grain on the hide's top. But low level bottom leather wallet manufacturers shave the top layer off to get rid of scars so they can use all of the leather and don't have to cut out the scars and throw them away. It's pure business. But in doing so, they're shaving the shingles off of your house. How dumb is that? They neuter the leather and take away what its leatherhood. The tough quality leather is known for. We only use leather that has all of the grain (full grain). When they remove some of the grain, it's called top grain leather. When they remove ALL of the grain, it's called genuine or split leather. Leather isn't cheap and leather wallet companies don't want to waste one penny. This is were we stand apart from the others, when we make a leather bifold wallet, we use the best leather.
Product Details
100-Year Warranty
Built-in RFID Blocker
Dimensions (W x H)
4.25" x 3"
Weight: 0.10 lbs
How this wallet was born
For about 6 years, I had been buying my favorite wallet designs every time I saw one I liked something about. For example, one time we went to a gift shop on the edge of Yellowstone National Park in the winter and there was a rack of junk India trash wallets, but there were some small design features that I liked. So I bought 5 of wallets and tucked them away. Over the years, I had collected about 120 wallets that I liked something about and I narrowed those wallets down to my favorite 10. I made some tweaks and changes to them, and over the course of about 2 years and 6 prototypes each, I came up with 10 really great wallets to test. We made them bulletproof with our leather and pigskin and then put them up on the site. Well guess what. This wallet and another wallet were the hands-down favorites of the 10, up for sale.