SKU 01-50-0003

Leather Tow Belt

1.00 lb


Leather Tow Belt in Kotor, Montenegro

What People Think


How I Met My Belt: A Love Story

If someone had told me five years ago that I'd be penning a heartfelt ode to a strip of leather, I'd have recommended a nice, long vacation—for them, not me. Yet, here I am, folks, fully committed and belted up!

Let's talk about the Saddleback belt, my latest and greatest fashion ally. After years of playing musical chairs with department store belts (none lasted more than a festive season before giving up the ghost), and one particularly promising Kickstarter find that fizzled faster than a flat soda, I was on the brink. Belts were becoming my nemesis.

Enter Reddit, the land of unfiltered opinions. I tossed my belt woes into the ring, and the people championed Saddleback. Skeptical but desperate, I bit the bullet and placed my order. Cue the quick shipping—impressive, but then I goofed up the size. Classic me! No worries, though. Saddleback's customer service was like a superhero team in disguise. A few days and a couple of clicks later, the perfect belt was on my waist, ready to take on the world (or at least my trousers).

This belt is a masterpiece. The leather feels like it could survive a Jurassic Park sequel, the stitching could probably hold up the Sistine Chapel ceiling, and the buckle? Let's just say it's burlier than my last five gym partners combined. And the price? It's the bargain of the century. I mean, this belt will likely outlast any apocalypse Hollywood can dream up.

So, if you, like me, are tired of your trousers performing impromptu gravity checks, do yourself a favor and get a Saddleback. It's not just a belt; it's an investment in your pants' future. Thank you, Saddleback, for reining in my waistline woes. I'll be back for a wallet—if my newly trustworthy belt doesn't outlive me, that is!

Until then, keep your pants up and your spirits higher!
22nd Apr 2024
Abe Weiss

What all belts should feel like

Thick, durable, great color, and a lot of holes. Take their sizing seriously if you’re a 34 in jeans buy a 32 belt, so on and so forth. I love this quality and it also makes a great concealed carry belt if you’re into that.
17th Apr 2024

Saddleback lives up to the hype!

My appreciation for Saddleback Leather grows with every purchase. I bought a tow belt as a gift for my husband several years back. He has worn it as his daily belt ever since. After several years of daily wear, we had an issue with the stitching on the belt. The warranty Saddleback offers was as good as gold for us. Caroline took care of our replacement quickly and efficiently. His new belt arrived this morning and will be right back to use as his daily belt. For the quality and customer care that is offered, you can't go wrong with Saddleback Leather. Well done!!
30th Mar 2024
Davina D.

Saddleback general awesomeness

Listen. I get loyal to brands that matter. I’ve been a fan of Saddleback Leather for more than a decade. I’ve proven to myself over and over again that the upfront expense of this company pays for itself in NEVER BUYING IT AGAIN. Really though. Bags, totes, duffles, and now belts? Please. Just start making boots next. I’m already all in, so bring it…
3rd Feb 2024
Andrew Thiessen
Saddleback full-grain leather belt size chart.

Materials Used to Make This Leather Belt Include Full Grain Leather

We only use Full Grain Leather and don't buy any belt that isn't. Here's why. A hide of leather is like a roof. The top part has the shingles, which are the toughest and most resistant part of the roof. Likewise, leather has grain as the top layer, and it's really strong and resistant too.

Some companies shave off the top layer of the leather (grain) to get rid of the scars so they can use the entire hide and not cut around the scars. But that's like someone shaving the shingles off the roof, so it looks better. So stupid. If they shave some off, but there's a little left, then that's called Top Grain. Genuine or Split Leather is technically what it's called when there is no grain left. Those companies that make cheap genuine leather belts are just looking for an easy way to get you money. Those are the types of leather belts that will not last. We make belts to last at least 100 years.

This belt is designed to be sturdy and durable, with nine holes that are three-quarters of an inch apart, starting two inches from the tip.

316 Stainless Steel Hardware for a Serious Buckle

We changed our buckle from nickel plated brass to 316 Stainless Steel. The brass was good enough, but our new hardware is way better. Some say it's like killing a fly with a shotgun, but it makes me feel good inside knowing that I'm wearing such strong hardware on this man's leather belt. Our clips were tested and rated to hold up to 750 lbs., and this buckle is thicker than our clips. So I'm thinking about 1000 lbs. I am sure you have had enough belt buckles break to see the value in this.

Serious Threading in our Leather Belt

To sew all of these great materials together with a cheap thread would be like using a cardboard hatch on a really nice submarine. So, I chose the strongest and longest lasting thread I could find and then bought the thick version of it. It is a marine-grade polyester thread, the kind they use to sew parachutes and sails for ships. So, if your life depends on it, they use this thread. Nylon is a trash material but much cheaper, and leather belts fall apart in a short time with use and UV light because of it.

Imagine that, wearing your belt in the sunlight for too long, and your belt falls apart. They should at least tell you when you buy such a cheap belt that it is only made to be worn loosely for a fashionable statement, and never in the sunlight. It sounds like a belt you might get for your sister, but this belt isn't just for style. This leather belt is for daily wear to keep your pants around your waist, even if you are packing a heavy holster.

This full grain leather belt is designed with three layers and is not likely to stretch.

Design of these Leather Belts

I designed this leather belt with 9 holes that are 3/4" apart so this thick leather belt fits comfortably and just right before and after meals. Most leather belts only have 5 holes that are 1" apart. I designed it with the holes starting 2" from the tip instead of starting 4 inches from the tip like most leather belts. You never know when those holes closer to the tip will be needed for tying down something on the roof rack of your rig.

I don't know why more belt makers don't design their belts this way. Oh yes, it is because they care about profit more than their customer. They would rather you need to purchase a new one every year. We design our belts to be sturdy and durable, a quality that should be in all leather belts. We wanted to do better than good leather belts, so we make a great belt, in fact, the Best Leather Belts.

Full Grain Leather Belts With Three Layers

This leather belt was not just made with one layer of full grain leather, but with three. Even quality companies just use two layers of quality leather and then put a layer of some filler in between to get the edges raised. I designed this belt with a layer of full grain in the middle too. Even though you can't see it, you have a nice feeling that this thick leather belt is quality through and through. This doesn't matter to most people, but it matters to me, and I stand behind it.

The best leather belt is a Saddleback Leather Tow Belt because it is made of full grain leather, has three layers of leather, and is marine grade polyester thread.

Some Leather Belts Stretch, Try to Stretch This One

With three layers of full grain leather and marine grade polyester thread, this belt is not going to give much stretch. But if you are one of those guys (or gals) who put their belt on the tightest hole every time, thinking it will make your pants fit better or hold them up higher, then maybe you might get a little, but I doubt it. With a belt that can pull a train, it doesn't seem likely. Shop around, search and see, you won't find a belt that can match the strength of this life long lasting belt.

Our Leather Belts Do More Than Hold Your Pants Around Your Waist

Now a belt that can hold your pants around your waist will do the job. But a cheap belt will do that for at least a couple of months. It is when you wear that belt long enough that you realize it is falling apart or it will last forever. The quality craftsmanship in the Leather Tow Belt makes you realize fast that you invested in quality. This belt is durable enough to tie a big buck down on the luggage rack of your rig. They are seriously sturdy, and can still look great worn as casual belts.

Why Wear a Leather Tow Belt

Our Leather Tow Belt will last you a lifetime, it will age beautifully, and it becomes more comfortable the longer you wear it. It can also support things such as your sidearm with ease, along with an ax. It is not a cheap genuine leather belt.

It's funny they call it a genuine leather belt, making it sound like a good leather belt, but that is all they are allowed to say about the cheap leather they use. Remember, a genuine leather belt is made of cheap stuff, the good full grain was removed for profits. We don't touch genuine leather, only full grain leather for the best quality.

The Best Leather Belt

If you were to take a poll and ask people what the best leather belt is, chances are good they would say a Saddleback Leather Tow Belt. And if you were to ask those people why it is the best leather belt, they would say any of the following things.

It is the best leather belt because it is:

  • - Made of full grain leather

  • - Has three layers of leather

  • - Is marine grade polyester thread

  • - Is durable and sturdy

  • - Looks great and ages beautifully

  • - Is comfortable to wear

  • - Supports things such as your sidearm with ease


Width: 1.50"

Thickness: 5.50mm to 6mm

Write a Review
  • Posted by Abe Weiss on 22nd Apr 2024
    How I Met My Belt: A Love Story
    If someone had told me five years ago that I'd be penning a heartfelt ode to a strip of leather, I'd have recommended a nice, long vacation—for them, not me. Yet, here I am, folks, fully committed and belted up!

    Let's talk about the Saddleback belt, my latest and greatest fashion ally. After years of playing musical chairs with department store belts (none lasted more than a festive season before giving up the ghost), and one particularly promising Kickstarter find that fizzled faster than a flat soda, I was on the brink. Belts were becoming my nemesis.

    Enter Reddit, the land of unfiltered opinions. I tossed my belt woes into the ring, and the people championed Saddleback. Skeptical but desperate, I bit the bullet and placed my order. Cue the quick shipping—impressive, but then I goofed up the size. Classic me! No worries, though. Saddleback's customer service was like a superhero team in disguise. A few days and a couple of clicks later, the perfect belt was on my waist, ready to take on the world (or at least my trousers).

    This belt is a masterpiece. The leather feels like it could survive a Jurassic Park sequel, the stitching could probably hold up the Sistine Chapel ceiling, and the buckle? Let's just say it's burlier than my last five gym partners combined. And the price? It's the bargain of the century. I mean, this belt will likely outlast any apocalypse Hollywood can dream up.

    So, if you, like me, are tired of your trousers performing impromptu gravity checks, do yourself a favor and get a Saddleback. It's not just a belt; it's an investment in your pants' future. Thank you, Saddleback, for reining in my waistline woes. I'll be back for a wallet—if my newly trustworthy belt doesn't outlive me, that is!

    Until then, keep your pants up and your spirits higher!
  • Posted by Raul on 17th Apr 2024
    What all belts should feel like
    Thick, durable, great color, and a lot of holes. Take their sizing seriously if you’re a 34 in jeans buy a 32 belt, so on and so forth. I love this quality and it also makes a great concealed carry belt if you’re into that.
  • Posted by Davina D. on 30th Mar 2024
    Saddleback lives up to the hype!
    My appreciation for Saddleback Leather grows with every purchase. I bought a tow belt as a gift for my husband several years back. He has worn it as his daily belt ever since. After several years of daily wear, we had an issue with the stitching on the belt. The warranty Saddleback offers was as good as gold for us. Caroline took care of our replacement quickly and efficiently. His new belt arrived this morning and will be right back to use as his daily belt. For the quality and customer care that is offered, you can't go wrong with Saddleback Leather. Well done!!
  • Posted by Andrew Thiessen on 3rd Feb 2024
    Saddleback general awesomeness
    Listen. I get loyal to brands that matter. I’ve been a fan of Saddleback Leather for more than a decade. I’ve proven to myself over and over again that the upfront expense of this company pays for itself in NEVER BUYING IT AGAIN. Really though. Bags, totes, duffles, and now belts? Please. Just start making boots next. I’m already all in, so bring it…
  • Posted by Bob on 26th Dec 2023
    Tow belt
    This is a nice product I would think that it would come with instructions on how to care for the belt also no thank you just put in a box and sent out thanks